Experienced Pilots with complex type and Tailwheel experience can apply to attend an assessment day and our instructors will assess your flying experience and design a bespoke course of training to suit your needs.
This may allow you to complete the minimum training necessary in order for you to be able to commence the Spitfire conversion training course.

Course Content
Aim : To have an appraisal and assessment of your ability to be eligible to embark on the spitfire conversion course.
Ground School : 3 hours
Flight Training : 45 mins DH Tiger moth or Chipmunk
45 mins : T6 Harvard
Cost £1995
Course pre-requisite; Current ICAO PPL and Medical, 1000hrs TT, 50hrs P1 Hours Tailwheel, 10 hours P1 complex type.
Notes : As with all flying training the courses and assessments the flying hours are a guide some pilots may require additional flight training and ground school.